Monday, March 30, 2015

Massing Continue

Massing continue.....

 After the last massing I realize one side of my massing wasn't flowing with the rest, so I tried to make my building more wavelike and less heavy to the eyes.

Here's some overall massing views.

Red= Solid
Blue= Void

Some close up perspective views.

Possible Main Grand Entrance of my building.

More Perspective views.


  1. Hi, Wing! Once again, you need to think about how your building program will fit and function inside these very sculptural forms that you are proposing. Trying to squeeze everything in at the last minute will not work.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks your advice and Im working on program right at the moment.

    3. Thanks your advice and Im working on program right at the moment.
