Sunday, March 1, 2015

Program, connection and impression Collage

Assignment 8 

Program Collage

  The Zen stone in the middle represents tranquility and I want the dwellers to relax and feeling calm while enjoying the view of underwater world while doing activities like Swimming, drinking , relaxing in the spa and eating delicious sushi from the sea.

Connection Collage

 Connection Wise I want this connection between Water Theme World Organisms with People dwelling within the building and appreciate the Ocean offer us life and Food. We should Protect our Ocean the best we can and will not pollute them.

Impression Collage

 We visited the site on a sunny snowy day afternoon with wind Breeze and chilly, traffic was little heavy and when we arrive the site we see that it is near the waterfront. I can Smell the Ocean by the Site and grass from the nearby park. I felt lonely and frustrated of the rough road when I had to travel alone back to the college.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Wing! Two comments:
    A) It would be interesting to know why you have chosen these 2 models?

    B) What you have done here was to simply attach your 2 models to each other. I think that you need to take this a lot further. Do not hesitate to break down your models into components in order to study and understand them better.

    Best wishes
